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Viewing records 151-198 of 198
Results last updated at: 09/17/2024 9:22 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Horse / Horse Showmanship / 31250: Miniature Horse Driving - All grades
26 Daniels, Caden 143 Blue 2nd County Helping Hands 4-H Club
8 Anderson, Shaun 266 Red 4th County Go-Getters
8 Anderson, Shaun 352 Purple 5th County Go-Getters
5555 Anderson, Abby 463 Red 5th County Culinary Creators 4-H Club
3 Samplefamily, Jack 508 Blue 1st 4-H Club 1
701 Time, Justin 869 Blue 4-H Club 1
Horticulture / Ornamentals, Jumbos, Platters / 40301: Pumpkin, miniature, orange
3 Samplefamily, Jack 6 Blue 4-H Club 1
Horticulture / Ornamentals, Jumbos, Platters / 40312: Gourds, Crown of Thorns
3 Samplefamily, Jack 8 Red 2nd 4-H Club 1
Horticulture / Ornamentals, Jumbos, Platters / 40331: Vegetable Container Display
3 Samplefamily, Jack 9 Grand Champion 4-H Club 1
3 Samplefamily, Jack 9 Blue 2nd 4-H Club 1
3 Samplefamily, Jack 10 Purple 1st 4-H Club 1
Horticulture / Ornamentals, Jumbos, Platters / 40334: County Vegetable Platter
3 Samplefamily, Jack 11 Purple 4-H Club 1
3 Samplefamily, Jack 12 Blue 3rd 4-H Club 1
678 Purple, Nancy 755 Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, Zero Dollar 4-H Club 1
Horticulture / Ornamentals, Jumbos, Platters / 40342: Jumbo Gourd
15 Carter, Cassie 77 1st County Astro Club
15 Carter, Cassie 77 2nd Grand Champion, Reserve Champion County Astro Club
Meat Goats / Market Meat Goats / 23210: Market Meat Goat Wethers
2 Sample, Jack 66 Purple Curious Carvers
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10201: Crop Production
661 Dakota, Samantha 497 2nd
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10203: Horticulture
661 Dakota, Samantha 498 1st
30 Garman, Jimmy 501 Purple Considered for State Fair County Go-Getters
Static / Creative Arts / 10301: Music / Ages 5-7
10 Bryant, Kayla 496 Purple County
Static / Creative Arts / 10301: Music / Ages 8-10
7 Anderson, Chelsea 781 Twinkle Twinkle little star Blue County
700 Purple, Sandra 944 https://youtu.be/vk5tWSjriVQ Red
700 Purple, Sandra 947 https://youtu.be/vk5tWSjriVQ White
700 Purple, Sandra 950 https://youtu.be/vk5tWSjriVQ Blue
8 Anderson, Shaun 951 https://youtu.be/vk5tWSjriVQ Red County
Static / Creative Arts / 10302: Photography
4 Samplefamily, Sally 13 Picture of a barn Grand Champion
4 Samplefamily, Sally 13 Picture of a barn Purple Best of Show Photo
10 Bryant, Kayla 38 Picture of my barn. Purple County
6 Anderson, Jake 55 Picture of a cow Purple Best of Show Photo County
2 Sample, Jack 60 Picture of a horse. Lavender
16 Sample, Samuel 101 Picture of my pet. Purple
19 Bryant, Gwen 102 Picture of a house. Red County
9 Bicsok, Annelise 157 test Best of Show Photo County
678 Purple, Nancy 899 Picture of my house Purple Photography Special Award
Swine / Market Swine / 26231: Registered Market Gilts
2 Sample, Jack 59 2nd Reserve Champion Curious Carvers
2 Sample, Jack 59 Purple 2nd Curious Carvers
15 Carter, Cassie 65 Blue 3rd County Astro Club
5555 Anderson, Abby 222 Blue 5th County Culinary Creators 4-H Club
700 Purple, Sandra 948 https://vimeo.com/405912509 Purple 2nd 4-H Club 3
Swine / Market Swine / 26234: Registered Market Barrows
6 Anderson, Jake 48 1st Grand Champion County Astro Club
6 Anderson, Jake 48 Purple 1st County Astro Club
4 Samplefamily, Sally 221 Blue 4th
4 Samplefamily, Sally 223 Red Curious Carvers
5555 Anderson, Abby 224 Red County 4-H Club 1
5555 Anderson, Abby 240 Red County Culinary Creators 4-H Club
700 Purple, Sandra 945 https://vimeo.com/405912509 Purple 4-H Club 3
700 Purple, Sandra 945 https://vimeo.com/405912509 1st Grand Champion 4-H Club 3